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A blog for a reader's mind's eye


A little bit about me

     I'm an aspiring author, and avid reader. I like to do something, a little weird with every book I read-- get your mind out of the gutter, it's not THAT kind of blog... I make 'cast lists' for every character, as if I were casting the movie. Sometimes I go with the author's description (honestly I try to stay as true as possible), but sometimes I get this picture of who I want stuck in my head, and tweak the author's original ideas a bit. which isn't much different than what Hollywood does.


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     I have thought about publishing my 'cast lists' for quite a while, but I didn't think that anyone would really care about the books I read, and the  faces I put with the names on the page.

   Most of the time, if a book I haven't read comes out as a movie, I try to see the movie before I read the book, so I'm not disappointed by what's been changed, and I can enjoy the film without correcting everything that's been changed. My friends tend to stay my friends longer this way too.

I do have favorite celebrities who I feel should be in every book.  I try hard not to double cast in series, which is why I started writing everybody down in the first place.

DISCLAIMER: I won't "cast" anyone who wouldn't be physically able to stand in front of me and audition. I know, this is subject to change at any minute, but if the actor is breathing when I start the book, they're eligible. This has to be a rule for me, or Heath Ledger would be in every book I read. The "Ten Things I Hate about You", or "A Knight's Tale" Heath, not "Dark Knight" Heath.

Nothing against Joker Heath, he's just not my leading man cup of tea.

The person also has to have at least one acting credit, (not as 'self' on IMDB) or else Tim Tebow would probably beat out every living guy who is otherwise perfect for the role.

For now I won't be publishing pictures, because copyright laws on the internet are a bit... hinky.

In the 21st century though, we all know how to use IMDB. Right? If you live under a rock, congrats for finding MY blog, go Google IMDB. If you live under The Rock? Just congrats.😉


How you should know me

Erin, for now. E. Beth Whitluff in the future when I'm known for more than writing about writing. You'll be among the first to know when my novel(s) are published.

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